
25 Products

Every good artist needs the right canvas to work with. We have a wide range of canvases to suit your needs, including Stretched Canvases and Deep Edge Canvases. Just use the filters below to browse our range of artist canvases.
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Please note: Canvases are not sold seperatelyCreate great pieces of art with this medium grain 20" x 8" 100% pure cotton stretched canvas. The double gesso primed surface creates a great painting surface perfect for oil or acrylic paints. Does not include easel and image may not be to scale.

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This great value pack of 4 stretched canvas boards are made from 100% pure cotton and is suitable for oil and acrylic paints. Perfect for sketching, rough workings and painting for both beginner and professional artists. Product Information: • Canvas Board • Pack of 4 • Brand: Crawford & Black • Double gesso primed • 100% pure cotton • Measure: 6 x 6 Inches

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